Your Jumptools website offers an article library with a wide variety of professionally written Real Estate content. You can choose from this library to add more content to your website or add your own articles. The articles added to your website can be edited to reflect your immediate market.
1. Access your Site Builder through the Jumptools Dashboard.
2. Go to the Page Menu. To create a new page, click "Edit"
Once your Article page is selected, make sure to click "Done" to complete editing the Page Menu. Select your Page to edit.
3. Click on "Add Article" in the Builder Palette
If there is an existing article in this page, click "Delete Article" to remove the article. You will then have the option to "Add Article"
Add a descriptive Page Title. This becomes the name of the page which is indexed by search engines.
"Include in Menu" is checked by default to indicate that it is included in the public site navigation menu. De-select this option if a page should not be included in the public menu.
4. Open the Article Library.
Topics - corresponds to common real estate topics
Articles - All articles included in that topic.
Select a topic from the pulldown menu, and/or search by tag and click "Find". Your list of articles will appear under the "Article" column.
5. Select an Article to preview it and click 'Insert Article'
The article will preview below.
Click on "Add a blank article" to create a blank article that you can add your own content to.
6. Edit your Article
The Article Intro is the introduction to the article. The image and the text will make up the excerpt for Article Teasers if enabled on the Home page.
Click on each block in your Content Editor to make your edits. You can add additional custom paragraphs.