When you are building certain email campaigns such as email drips and eNewsletters, you will notice that there is placeholder text. It is recommended that you do not replace this text in the editor with your details but use placeholders to make it easier for these articles to be edited with new details if you have to change it.
For example, if you change your phone number, you will not have to edit each of your articles with your new information. If placeholders are used, your phone number will be whatever you've updated in your profile settings.
To add a placeholder, click on the content box to edit.
Click where in your content that the placeholder will be added.
The formatting bar will appear below. Select the [P] icon.
Add the placeholder from the pull-down menu in the next window.
Click "Ok" when done.
The placeholders appear as below, highlighted and in brackets. It will indicate what will be replaced there.
This is how it will look when previewed or generated. (Highlighting for emphasis only, it will not be highlighted in the actual email)