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Editing Your eNewsletter

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E-Newsletter templates are available in your Jumptools campaigns. You'll be able to choose from a number of templates and personalize your content before setting a delivery date and your contacts.

Open your eNewsletter from your campaigns

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

1. Open your eNewsletter template from the summary page

The eNewsletter will open with your selected template. These templates will include images and professionally written articles.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

2. Add personalized content to your eNewsletter

You are able to add a custom section for your personalized messaging.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

Use the style formatting bar to format your text or add links.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

Add a hyperlink to your selected text. Click on the "link" icon in the formatting bar.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

Please note that your name, title, contact details and company details can be edited in your "Settings"

Learn more about editing your profile settings.

Adding a placeholder will allow you to add information from your profile.  

Learn more about placeholders.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

3. Preview your eNewsletter, Save and set Delivery options

These settings appear at the bottom of the template editor window.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome
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