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Promote a Listing Overview

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In this section, you will be able to create, edit and distribute marketing pieces for your listings. 

The Marketing Studio is designed to get you marketing your listings with ease. Your listings are automatically recognized by the Studio when you log in, and areas that can be edited are clickable when you scroll your mouse over it. Areas that you are most likely going to edit are:

  • Remarks or Description. The text maximum is 1,000 characters and you have the option to select an English description or a French description.
  • Manage Photos. You can add up to 30 images per listing

The more you use your Marketing Studio, the easier it will be to create, edit, and promote your Listing and your Business, as the system pre-populates your screen with your latest work. Navigating through your Listings will be easier when you can easily click on Finished Pieces and My Favourites.

There are three types of listings you can promote:

  • Your own listings
  • Your Team Listings
  • Your Company Listings
  • Your Upcoming Listings

Of these listings, you also have the option to view the active and inactive listings.

The Marketing Studio defaults to your own listings. Click on the drop down menu 'My Listings' to toggle to the Team, Company and Upcoming listings.


TIP: If you have active listings, you can also click on the thumbnail listings on the left hand side of the screen as a shortcut.

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