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Editing and Adding Action Plan Tasks

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If you use Action Plans, you can choose from standard action plans, clone an existing plan or create your own custom plan. You can also rename items, reorder dates and add scripts.  This article will overview how to edit action plans.


Video Overview

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

In Campaigns, open your Action Plans

Create Your Own Action Plan

1. Click "Add new Action Plan"

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

2. Add the details of your new action Plan

Under "Plan Type" you can create action plans for "Lead/Prospect",  "Contact/Client" or "Business Contact"

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

3. Go to "Edit Action Plan Tasks"

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

4. Click "Add" to add a task and fill out the details

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

"Day" (1) corresponds to the number of days after client starts on action plan.  Example:  On Day 1 after you have added a client to this plan, you will receive a task to complete.  Selecting "blocker" (2) means that the action plan will not continue if this task has not been marked as complete.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

5. Review your action tasks.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

You can re-order tasks for sooner or later by dragging the tasks up or down.

Click the info icon (the "i") to see your notes

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

Click on "Add Script" to add your call-script.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

6. Click "Save" to save your action plan

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome
Cloning An Action Plan

Create an action plan by cloning an existing plan

This is a quick way to create a new action plan based off an existing one.  This will copy all tasks from the old plan ready for you to edit.

1. Choose the action plan you want to clone and select "clone"

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

2. Change the details of your action plan

You can change the name, description and select the plan type.  Click "create" when done and edit your new action plan.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome
Edit an existing Action plan

1. Select the existing action plan you would like to edit

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

2. Select "Edit Action Plan Tasks".

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

3. Review and edit tasks.

You can rename subjects, reorder dates, and add scripts. You can also set a task as a "blocker".  

"Day" (1) corresponds to the number of days after client starts on action plan.  Example:  On Day 1 after you have added a client to this plan, you will receive a task to complete.  Selecting "blocker" (2) means that the action plan will not continue if this task has not been marked as complete.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

You can re-order tasks for sooner or later by dragging the tasks up or down.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

Click the info icon (the "i") to see your notes

Click on "Add Script" or "See script" to add or edit your scripts.

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome

4. Create a new task by clicking "Add" at the bottom

5. Click "Save" to save your action plan

Campaigns Dashboard - Google Chrome
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