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Adding a member to my Team website

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If you have a Team or Company subscription, you can add a team member to your website as a partner if you're in business together or simply to grant someone access to manage your website.

1. Click on 'Settings' in the top menu bar

2. Click on the 'Team Members' tab

3. Type in your Team member's username and last name then click 'Add'

Your team member's username will usually be their primary email address.

4. After clicking 'Add', your team member should appear under 'Team Members'

If you've input incorrect information, the name won't appear under the 'Team Members' list, you'll have to try re-entering the information.

5. When you've added all of your team members, click the 'Save' button

You can add up to 4 team members to a Team subscription.

6. Click on the 'Team Permissions' tab to set permissions for added team members

7. For each team member, check off all boxes you'd like to apply to the individual and then click Save

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